Do something amazing this New Year, volunteer your time to Bury Drop In

For many of us, New Year provides an early start for us to set out our goals for the year.  There’s plenty of evidence demonstrating that volunteering makes us happier, improves our mental health and wellbeing over time, and reduces social isolation.

Bury Drop In is a small volunteer-led charity, supporting homeless and vulnerably housed people, located in the town centre of Bury St Edmunds. The charity has two paid members of staff: the general manager is responsible for the running of all the charities activities, providing leadership to the managers and other volunteers, and the marketing communications manager oversees the charity’s marketing and public relations, volunteer recruitment, and fundraising activities. Bury Drop In volunteers provide vital support in a wide variety of roles: from befriending guests to handing out emergency provisions including sleeping bags, tents, and toiletries. Volunteers, aged 18 and over, generously commit up to 4-5 hours on a regular basis to help support guests move forward with their lives. All volunteers are provided with full induction and safeguard training, and the opportunity to shadow current volunteers.

Terry, drop in session volunteer, said: “I particularly like volunteering at Bury Drop In because I would like to think, with the odd smile, it brings hope to guests.” Terry began volunteering with us in 2017 and acts as a volunteer session team leader, safeguarding, and donations.

A lot of people make New Year resolutions such as exercise more or get a hobby, but why not do something that will make a real difference. We are always on the lookout for more volunteers to join our charity, meet new people and learn new skills, we have a variety of roles available. To find out more about volunteering, visit our volunteer webpage for more information and to apply.

Volunteers serving up lunch in the new kitchen
Volunteer sitting with guest

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