Other ways to donate

Donate by text

To donate by text from your mobile, type BSE and the amount that you want to donate. For example, if you want to donate £5, type ‘BSE5’ and send to 70085.

Donate by standing order

To donate by standing order, download our standing order form and return the top half of the form to your bank to instruct payment.

Download gift aid form

If you are a UK tax payer, you can boost your gift to us by 25% at no extra cost. Download our gift aid from, complete and return to us to claim gift aid on your behalf.

How your donations make an impact


Our volunteers support over 75 people weekly, every Tuesday and Friday. Offering a hot meal, individual support, and signposting to agencies. Your donation will enable us to continue to offer a shared freshly prepared meal in a safe place.

Emergency food vouchers

Over the past year, we gave out over 600 emergency food vouchers. Your donation will allow us to continue to provide street homeless with food vouchers to help when they have no access to food.

Emergency bedding and shelter

In 2024, we gave out 169 sleeping bags and tents to people until they could be placed into emergency accommodation and shelter.
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